Thursday, July 03, 2008

Some more June

The first half of June, I almost spent every free minute gazing at the blue-grey skies. Whenever I keep looking at the skies at stretch- say for 10 minutes, I lose track of where I am, what I am doing, etc. I experience such calm and peace that I cannot describe in words. I feel completely overwhelmed.

The first half of June was a little stressful at work (the stress was nothing compared to that during December to April); it was not just because of work. The yearly ritual which sees people getting frustrated and even turning suicidal or murderous, called performance appraisal; it got completed by mid June. I am going to be diplomatic about my own ideas about my appraisal. My only expectation is to see my pay hike higher than the inflation or else we are damned with a 20 year floating rate home loan. Sigh. It was scary when a dear friend even wished me luck and told me not to ration A’s food if the interest rates grow any higher.

My evenings (post 10 pm) have become so much more exciting with the glass paints and the million ideas zooming in my head. Everywhere I look, I see a pattern I MUST paint on glass. God, thank you for all these ideas but also give me the time to paint and the money to buy all the best glass colors and glass items one could ever buy. It’s funny but when I am painting I don’t think about anything in the world. Not even my hurting hand which kept me away from blogging. Not that I am a good painter, it’s just that I love colors and brushes and paper and painting so much. Again, thank you God and please make me a better painter than what I am today…I can’t bear poor A trying to praise my “art work” and falling short of words. :D

Btw, June 15 was my parents’ wedding anniversary. Every good thing I do, see, appreciate or say is because of them. They are such simple people that buying gifts for them is a very difficult task. Here’s wishing them a very happy anniversary. May dear God bless them with health, peace of mind and happiness, forever.

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